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Austrian National Library

Biblioteca Nacional
Ofrece acceso en l?nea a su cat?logo automatizado en el que figuran cientos de miles de registros correspondientes a libros, manuscritos y documentos, revistas y peri?dicos, grabados, dibujos y fotograf?as, mapas y planos, videograbaciones, partituras, grabaciones sonoras y archivos de ordenador.

Biblioteca Nacional Rep?blica Argentina

Biblioteca Nacional [ Portugal ]
Site na Internet da Biblioteca Nacional - Portuguese National Library Web Site

Biblioteka Narodowa w Warszawie

Biblioth?que Nationale Suisse
Vous y trouvez l'acc?s aux catalogues et ? divers instruments de recherches.

Biblioth?que nationale de France
If you want to do some hard-core research and look up the original manuscripts, this is one place to contact: La Biblioth?que Nationale de France. The website is almost entirely in French, although they seem to be setting up some English sections.

Italian National Library - Naples

Koninklijke Bibliotheek
De nationale bibliotheek van Nederland. De KB stelt de collecties en voorzieningen aan bezoekers beschikbaar voor wetenschapsbeoefening.

Library of Congress
The Library of Congress Home Page on the World Wide Web. Information resources and tools presented include The Library Today internet magazine (news, events, cybercasts, and more), Using the Library (catalogs, collections, research services), THOMAS (U.S. legislative information), American Memory (historical collections from the national digital library), Exhibitions on-line at the library, forms and information from the Copyright Office, the Library's Bicentennial (1800-2000) and Help and Frequently Asked Questions (general information about the Library).

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru National Library of Wales
Safle We Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru

National Diet Library, Japan

National Library Of Malaysia
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

National Library of Australia

National Library of Canada
Bilingual Web site.

National Library of China

National Library of Estonia

National Library of Ireland

National Library of New Zealand

National Library of Scotland
a complete list of Library catalogues and indexes, current exhibitions and a digital library.

N?rodn? knihovna ?esk? republiky - National Library of the Czech Republic
In English and Czech.

Renib, Red Nacional Interbibliotecaria
Informacion bibliografica de todas las universidades y bilbiotecas publicas

Royal Library Albert
Belgium Royal Library

Royal Library of Denmark
Search the library catalouge or visit the exhibitions.

South African Library

The British Library
Check out this site's "Digital Library" collection of early manuscripts.

The National Library of Korea