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Ecology Research Centers

Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Investigations within many areas of biosciences and geosciences, emphasizing plant ecology and meteorology. Studies on the dynamics of plant populations and to identify the controlling factors at their latitudinal and latitudinal limits. Meteorological projects deal with recent climate changes in the region, and also with local variations of the microclimate in subalpine and alpine ecosystems.

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research The Alfred Wegener Institute conducts research in the Arctic,the Antarctic and at temperate latitudes. It coordinates Germany's polar research program and provides other institutions with the facilities, equipment and logistics needed for polar expeditions.

Allelopathy Research at the University of Savoie Research of allopathic interactions between plants and their role in natural as well as in manipulated ecosystems.

Archbold Biological Station - Ecological Research Facility A non-profit research facility devoted to long-term ecological research and conservation of the organisms and environments of the Lake Wales Ridge area in Florida.

Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) AMAP was established in 1991 to implement components of the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS). It's current objective is "providing reliable and sufficient information on the status of, and threats to, the Arctic environment, and providing scientific advice on actions to be taken in order to support Arctic governments in their efforts to take remedial and preventive actions relating to contaminants".

Arctic Research Consortium of the United States Emphasizes research that illuminates the role of the Arctic in the global system through synthesis, integration, and modeling or that brings multidisciplinary perspectives to bear on a particular problem in a particular land or seascape over a specified period of time.

The Association of Ecosystem Research Centers Group brings together 39 U.S. research programs in universities and private, state and federal laboratories that conduct research, provide training and analyze policy at the ecosystem level of environmental science and natural resources management.

Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) Homepage ABRS aims to document and disseminate information on Australia's biological diversity and foster taxonomic research on Australia's biota.

Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO) Our goal is to develop the scientific knowledge required to manage Australia's wildlife, plant and land resources for ecological sustainability.

Biological Resources Division - USGS Providing the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support sound management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources - National Biological Information Infrastructure.

Boyce Thompson Institute Home Page Dedicated to the study of plants and associated organisms for the betterment of society.

Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information

Canadian Plains Research Center Center publishes the results of research from a variety of disciplines dealing with some aspect of the complex nature of the prairies.

Carl Hayden Bee Research Center Information site covering all aspects of bees, from co-existence with humans to avoiding Africanized Honey Bees.

CAB International is a not-for-profit organization with three principal areas of activity: publishing, research in biological pest management, and design of management systems.

Cawthron Institute A private research institute, specializing in aquaculture, marine biosecurity, coastal & estuarine ecology, freshwater ecology, and analytical laboratory services.

Center for Annelida Resources From the Illinois Natural History Survey. The INHS Annelida Collection is perhaps the largest state collection of freshwater oligochaetes in the country, holding more than 300,000 specimens.

Center for Ecological Health Research (Cal Davis) The central goal of the Center is to understand how multiple stresses affect biological processes in aquatic and terrestrial systems.

Center for Ecological Research and Education (CERE) Idaho State University center which focuses on ecological principles and problems.

Center for Global Change The focal point of this facility at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is for developing, coordinating and implementing interdisciplinary research and education related to the role of the Arctic and sub-Arctic in the Earth system, and to stimulate and facilitate global change research in this region.

Centers for Water and Wildland Resources A multicampus organized research unit and special program within the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources,U of California, the CWWR is charged with stimulating and coordinating research and information dissemination on a wide variety of issues related to the natural resources of California.

Central Laboratory of General Ecology The Central Laboratory of General Ecology (CLGE) is a specialised unit with main subjects both fundamental scientific research and training in ecology and environmental protection. In addition, CLGE deals with applied research. on environmental protection and biodiversity projects.

Central Plains Center for BioAssessment A non-regulatory and non-management research organization nested within the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS). The CPCB was established as a center of biological expertise and as a scientific resource for the Central Plains and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 7.

The Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources It's mission is to rapidly increase knowledge of the unique biological diversity of Australia and develop innovative technologies in ecology and conservation related areas.

Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology - ROM The Centre undertakes research programs in areas where the Royal Ontario Museum has a particular strength in its collections or where Curatorial staff has a special expertise and leadership position for conducting research of international significance.

The Cliff Ecology Research Group A group of scientists devoted to studying the ecology of cliffs.

Coastal Ecosystems Research Foundation (CERF) The CERF is a non-profit organization whose aim is to fund ecological research through eco-tourism. Research is presently focused on the whales and dolphins of British Columbia's Central Coast.

The Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island Information about the research and education and outreach programs of the Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island.

Complex Systems Research Center Center investigates the effects of human disturbance on the Earth's biogeochemical processes.

Conservation Biology Institute Home Varied research projects requireing solutions by broadly trained individuals representing a range of disciplines and skills. Collaborating professionals address the most pressing conservation problems today.

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences devoted to research and teaching in the wide-ranging disciplines of the environmental sciences.

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Membership institute whose mission is to interpret and conserve the earth's biodiversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds.

Dolphin Research Center A not-for-profit education and research facility, home to a family of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions.

Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (Environment Canada)

The Ecosystems Center Part of the Marine Biology Lab, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Investigates the structure and functioning of ecological systems.

Environmental Science and Research Foundation Nonprofit organization that conducts and coordinates scientific research and monitoring to study and manage environmental resources and protect human and ecosystem health.

Florida Center for Environmental StudiesEcosystems Researches Tropical/Subtropical Water Dominated Ecosystems. Facilitates and coordinates environmental research and training, and communicates environmental knowledge.

Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Provides for active cooperation in the advancement, organization, and conduct of scholarly research and training in the field of fish and wildlife sciences.

Florida Institute of Oceanography Homepage Established to support and enhance Florida's coastal marine science, oceanography and related management programs through education, research, and public outreach.

Florida Marine Research Institute ( FMRI ) Site contains informaton on manatees, fish, sea turtles, corals and other marine issues.

FRESC - Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center A multi-disciplinary research center within the USGS Biological Resources Division. Provides scientific understanding and technology to support sound management and conservation of forest and rangeland ecosystems in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West.

Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Ecological Systems (GAMES) Laboratory Laboratory developed to integrate GIS and remote sensing technology with ecological modeling to simulate dynamic, spatially-explicit patterns and processes at scales ranging from individual organisms to landscapes.

Great Lakes Mid-Atlantic Center For Hazardous Substance Research The primary mission of the Center is to carry out high-quality research in bioremediation and related areas. The research program is extensive, and has a large interdisciplinary flavor due to the Targeted Research Area Collaborations.

Grice Marine Laboratories The lab supports teaching and research in evolutionary biology, marine biogeography, developmental and molecular biology, benthic ecology, microbial ecology, phytoplankton ecology, environmental physiology, fish systematics, and invertebrate zoology and other marine sciences.

Hawaii Stream Research Center The HSRC is a field research laboratory focusing on studies in Hawaiian freshwater ecology.

The Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) is an environmental research facility of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

Illinois Natural History Survey WWW Server Created to investigate the diversity, life histories, and ecology of the plants and animals of the state; to publish research results so that those resources can be managed wisely; and to provide information to the public in order to foster an understanding and appreciation of our natural heritage.

Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation A non-profit, education, research and conservation organization and operates the Bocas del Toro Biological Station in Panam?.

Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at U of Colorado, Boulder Mission is to facilitate interdisciplinary research leading to a predictive understanding of the biological, chemical, and physical interactions that regulate the earth system in arctic, alpine, and other regions.

Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center Institution in the Russian Academy of Sciences system that conducts fundamental ecobiological research in order to find complex solutions to problems of rational nature use in the European Northeast of Russia.

Institute of Ecology National University of Mexico Research in the Sonoran Desert, Gulf of California and Arizona.

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology One of four Institutes which form the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, a part of the UK Natural Environment Research Council. Research into all aspects of the terrestrial environment and its resources. Has 180 specialist staff, based at six research stations, each with its own particular expertise and regional emphasis.

International Arctic Research Center The primary goals of the IARC are to study arctic climate change and its global feedbacks and consequences and to plan and carry out international cooperative arctic research of the highest possible quality.

International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) Group promotes Great Lakes and other large lakes research and disseminates scientific information through publications and conferences.

Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center is dedicated to providing a program of excellence in ecology and natural resource management that includes integrated research, education, and conservation goals.

Kennedy Space Center Ecological Resources The pro-active program is one in which the initiative is to anticipate potential environmental concerns before they occur and develop impact minimization or mitigation strategies.

The Louis Calder Center A biological field station at Fordham University established in 1967 for ecological research and environmental education.

Marsh Ecology Research Program Grants program which supports high quality scientific research on understudied aspects of the ecology of freshwater and saltwater tidal marshes.

Mountain Research Station Research facility devoted to the advancement of study of montane environmental science. The center supports research in biology, geography, and geology.

National Center for Resource Innovations Land information and Computer Graphics Facility (LICGF) Their mission is to provide research, training, and outreach in the use of land and geographic information systems. (LIS/GIS). Our m

Natural Eco-Laboratory, Chilika Lake Chilika Lagoon, situated on east-coast of India, is a hotspot for biodiversity.

Natural Environment Research Council Mission is to promote basic, strategic and applied research, survey, long-term environmental monitoring and related postgraduate training.

Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory An interdisciplinary ecosystem science research center within the College of Natural Resources of Colorado State University (CSU).

NCEAS - National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Santa Barbara, California

Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research Program Established to conduct research on long-term ecological phenomena in an array of ecosystems within the United States. Niwot Ridge is the sole alpine tundra site and is located approximately 35 km west of Boulder, CO.

NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory The NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL)conducts integrated, interdisciplinary environmental research in support of resource management and environmental services in coastal and estuarine waters, with a special emphasis on the Great Lakes.

North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve Explore the estuaries along the N.C. coast.

Northeast-Midwest Institute Home Page A nonprofit policy center which engages in research and education to promote the Great Lakes region's economic development and enhance the quality of its environmental and human resources.

Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Information and research related to the North American Great Plains. Part of USGS.

Northwest Fisheries Science Center The NWFSC is a research facility of the Northwest Region of the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, and is responsible for providing scientific and technical support for the management, conservation, and development of the Pacific Northwest region's anadromous and marine fishery resources.

Olentangy River Wetland Research Park At The Ohio State University, it is designed to be one of the most comprehensive wetland research and education facilities in the nation.

Organization of Biological Field Stations An association of more than 200 field stations and professionals concerned with field facilities for biological research and education, primarily in North America and Central America. This site provides links to OBFS member stations.

ORNL Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) Center for ecological and environmental research, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US)

P2 Research Projects Database - Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Research Center Project list for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Sustainable Ag. Research and Education (SARE) Program - Northeast Region.

Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) Lab carries out interdisciplinary scientific investigations in oceanography, marine meteorology, and related subjects.

Pan-American Center for Earth & Environmental Studies A multi-disciplinary university research center addressing vital environmental, ecological, and social issues resulting from the proximity of the U.S. and Mexico.

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Scientists at the Center develop and standardize wildlife inventory techniques and programs.

Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center One of the principle activities is developing and testing science-based methods and tools to assess and predict wetland functions.

PNNL Ecology Group The Ecology Group engages in research activities in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. We develop integrated ecological resource assessments, restoration and management tools, and ecological research techniques, including statistical design and predictive modeling and mapping of sensitive habitats.

Polar Science Center A unit of the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. PSC is involved in numerous studies of sea, ice, polar oceanography, and meteorology with primary funding from NASA, NOAA, NSF, and ONR.

Prince William Sound Science Center An independent, non-profit research organization located in Cordova in southeastern Prince William Sound, Alaska. The Science Center was established in 1989 to conduct and facilitate scientific studies on the ecology of the region. The Center's programs take an ecosystem approach to research, monitoring and management of natural resources.

Raised By Wolves, Inc. A research center for the study of wolf/wolf-hybrid pack dynamics, ethology, and cognition. We are a non-profit, 501 (c)(3), USDA licensed site.

Research at the Cooperative Wetlands Center The Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center is directed by Robert P. Brooks, Ph.D. The CWC was formed through cooperation between the School of Forest Resources and the Environmental Resources Research Institute.

Rinehart Coastal Research Center The RCRC provides grants and matching funds for coastal research, student and travel support, and funds "rapid response" coastal research activities.

Riverhead Foundation for Marine Reseach & Preservation The Foundation conducts research and education programs about the region's marine habitats.

Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group At University of California, Santa Cruz. Founded in 1975 to restore California's endangered Peregrine falcon population, now also researches other raptor species. Site topics include monitoring the peregrine population, international bald eagle satellite telemetry studies, and golden eagle impact studies. Also a Learning Web area for education.

Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve Sapelo Island is the fourth largest Georgia barrier island and one of the most pristine. The reserve is made up of salt marsh, maritime forest and beach and dune areas.

Sarasota Dolphin Research Program Groups primary contributions since the program's inception in 1970 have been toward understanding the biology, behavior, ecology, health, and population dynamics of coastal bottlenose dolphins. The program (SDRP) represents the combined efforts of the Dolphin Biology Research Institute (DBRI), The Conservation Biology Department of the Chicago Zoological Society (CZS), Earthwatch and Mote Marine Laboratory (MML).

South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve 4,700 acres preserved and dedicated to marine research.

Southern Research Station, US Forest Service conducts research on forest resources and ecosystem and environmental quality in the southern United States.

Sustainable Ecosystems Institute Research center works to sustain natural communities and the human communities that depend on them using science-based cooperative solutions.

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry State University of New York at Syracuse

Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research This center represents a solidly established and well-developed collaboration between a major research university and one of the nation's leading historically black universities with the goal to prevent disease in humans and ecosystems.

University of Florida Center for Natural Resources The Center was established in 1973 as a multi-disciplinary unit, separate from but affiliated with numerous IFAS departments and research and extension facilities throughout Florida.

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Established in 1986 as a center for ecological monitoring and analysis, the Center manages the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program which is the largest river-related inventory and monitoring program in the United States.

Vero Beach Marine Laboratory (VBML) Field laboratory established in 1981 in support of marine science research and education for the academic programs and research institutes of Florida Institute of Technology.

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science An institution that is uniquely prepared to educate the highly qualified researchers, resource managers, and educators needed for the future.

Wenatchee Forestry Sciences Lab At the forefront of some of the finest ecological research in the nation, this facility and staff offers world-class investigations on forest and rangeland ecosystems.

Western Ecological Research Center USGS Center provides its clients and partners with the research, scientific understanding, and technology needed to support sound management of Pacific Southwestern ecosystems.

Western Forest Fire Research Center (WESTFIRE) An interdisciplinary research facility based at Colorado State University covering all aspects, whether socioeconomic or ecological, of forest fires.

Wetlands Research & Technology Center The Center facilitates and coordinates wetlands scientific and engineering work, wetlands training, and interagency coordination efforts and responds to those seeking answers to wetlands related questions.