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Wildlife Ecology
ACWERN- Atlantic Cooperative Wildlife Ecology Research Network Academic and government departments combining their efforts to investigate the cause and effects of changing patterns of energy flow, and wildlife population dynamics, in terrestrial and marine ecosystems in Atlantic Canada.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center All programs at the Nature Center are founded on a single belief: that the land is a complex organism to be loved, cared for, studied, and understood.

All Species Project Environmental education that combines arts and sciences into neighborhood and school Earth Days and other programs that build a sustainable community.

Alternatives To Coyote Control Controlling coyote damage to livestock

American Bear Association Dedicated to promoting the well-being of the black bear across North America through education and scientific research, as well as by providing opportunities for the public to observe first-hand, the true nature of this incredible species at the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary.

The Animal Diversity Web From the U. of Michigan Museum of Zoology.

Arabian Wildlife Online A magazine of conservation of the Animals of the Arabian Peninsula.

Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office The AFWO staff consists of fisheries and wildlife biologists, technicians, and support personnel who are conducting a variety of conservation activities applicable to Northwest California.

Arthropod Systematics Study Home Page (APSS) This web site is designed to provide taxonomic and related biological and ecological information about the insects, mites and ticks that affect human and animal health in Canada and North America.

Assistance With Wildlife Damage Problems in Nebraska Nebraskans who experience wildlife damage problems can get assistance from several public and private organizations. This NebFact describes the most direct route to the solution of your problem. A reference guide shows who to contact for technical information, materials, permits and hands-on assistance.

Audubon: Sanctuaries & Nature Centers Directory of all of Audubon's sanctuaries and educational centers.

Australian Platypus Conservancy Information on platypus conservation and research updates.

Australian Wildlife The site, updated regularly, provides current information about Australian wildlife including well-researched articles, the latest news in the papers and scientific press, and reviews of recent books and CD’s. Topical issues are thrown open for input from visitors and questions about any aspect of Australian are answered.

AZGF Nongame Field Notes - Gila Chub Native species profile.

bio-blitz home page Purpose is to organize the natural history talents of the top scientists and naturalists living within urban centers to document the biodiversity present at their backdoor.

A Backyard Wildlife Habitat Homepage - National Wildlife Federation Started in 1973 by the National Wildlife Federation to acknowledge and encourage individuals who garden for wildlife. We formally acknowledge your efforts with a national certification program.

Backyard Wildlife: Planting for Habitat This NebGuide provides information on planning and planting for wildlife habitat in the backyard.

Biological Resources Division - USGS The BRD mission is to work with others to provide the scientific understanding and technologies needed to support the sound management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources. A fundamental part of our mission is embodied in our deep commitment to make data and information on the Nation's biological resources more accessible to more people.

BIOSIS Home Page Serving the international life science community for 70 years by providing researchers, students, and librarians with references to research published around the world.

Bill's Wildlife Sites An index of internet sites of interest to wildlife ecologists. Includes government, non-profit, professional, university; endangered species, wildlife newsgroups, and wildife-related products.

Biomch-L The E-mail discussion group for biomechanics and human/animal movement science.

Birmingham Zoo - The Animal Omnibus A list of web sources indexed by the name of the animal.

California Inland Invertebrate Work Group (CaIIWG) The CaIIWG is a group of individuals from the academic, public, private, and regulatory sectors whose purpose is to foster communication of technical information related to the ecology, distribution, and management of California's inland invertebrates.

Carnivore Preservation Trust The Carnivore Preservation Trust (CPT) works to preserve the world's endangered 'keystone' predator species--which are crucial to the survival of their ecosystems--through habitat preservation, captive breeding, and education.

CERES Theme: California Environmental Education Do environmental searches by theme, using either broad themes or more narrowly defined ones, to access websites covering that topic.

CERES: California Environmental Resources Evaluation System CERES is an information system developed by the California Resources Agency to facilitate access to a variety of environmental data.

Center For Bison Studies, MSU-Bozeman The primary mission of the Center is to serve as a regional center for information exchange and research on all aspects of the biology and management of the American bison. This includes research on disease and parasite identifications, transmission, and control; nutrition and physiology studies.

Center For Wetlands Wildlife Ecology Group is actively involved in research in several areas of Wetland Ecology.

Center for Wildlife Ecology The mission of the Center is to acquire and apply information pertaining to the diversity of life in order to protect, manage, and develop the biotic resources of Illinois in accordance with long-term environmental goals.

Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage The nonprofit organization dedicated to creating, restoring and protecting wildlife habitat in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

CITES First Page Organized to protect wildlife against over-exploitation and to prevent international trade from threatening species with extinction.

The CLAMS Project Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study. Their research is designed to develop new habitat relationship models, quantitatively analyze current plans, and to answer major questions about forest management at large scales.

Colorado Wildlife Federation Colorado Wildlife Federation works to promote the conservation, sound management, and sustainable use of Colorado's wildlife and wildlife habitat through education and advocacy.

Common Ground: The Case of Seasonally Inundated Cropland A cost effective way to provide more waterfowl migration habitat may be to use seasonally inundated cropland for this purpose. The seasonal strategy could provide habitat for geese and ducks during the spring and fall migration periods, and the land could be farmed during the cropping season.

Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates With more than 1.5 million specimens, the museum constitutes a major educational and research resource within the university. The museum is widely used for both graduate and undergraduate teaching at Cornell and are nationally recognized biological research resources.

Craighead Environmental Research Institute The mission of the Institute is to increase humankind's understanding, appreciation, and protection of our natural environment; particularly wildlife populations and wild landscapes.

CSIRO Wildlife & Ecology - Resource Futures The aim of the Resource Futures Program is to develop and test future options for the use and management of Australia's environmental resource sectors at regional and continental scales.

Dealing With Skunks Nebraska Cooperative Extension Nebguide. Describes the most common skunks found in Nebraska and tells how to remove them, control odor, and prevent or manage the damage they can cause.

Department of Wildlife Ecology - U of Wisconsin The first academic department in the world ever dedicated specifically to the emerging field of wildlife management.

Department of Wildlife Ecology, University of Maine Use site to access many sources of information, such as descriptions of some ongoing projects, faculty research interests, available positions, directions to the campus and to the department, and connections to World Wide Web sites of interest to biologists.

Division of Mammals The Natural History Museum at the University of Kansas. Their mammal collection is one of largest in North America, and the second largest university collection.

Earthwave Society A nonprofit entity dedicated to information and education relating to fish, wildlife, conservation and the environment.

Ecologia y Conservacion de la Communidad de Carnivoros Ecology and conservation of the carnivore community in a tropical dry forest of Mexico. An intensive study of this component of the forests biodiversity.

Ecology Hall of Fame Dedicated to the heroes of the environmental movement.

Environment Australia Goals are to develop, in the national interest, a proper recognition of environmental, social and related economic values in government decision-making and activities.

The European Topic Center on Nature Conservation (EEA) Europe wide consortium implementing conservation legislation affecting the areas.

Fauna and Flora International FFI acts to conserve threatened species of wild animals and plants world-wide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science and take account of human needs.

Federal Highway Administration International Conference on Wildlife Ecology and Transportation.

Federation of Ontario Naturalists A non-government organization dedicated to protecting and conserving Ontario's natural heritage.

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) FEIS provides up-to-date information about fire effects on plants and animals.

Florida Environmental Education Regional Service Projects Contacts for the various directors who handle each region. Listing current as of 1998.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission A guide to the agency responsible for managing Florida's fish and wildlife resources: includes information and regulations on hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, hiking, the Florida panther, and other endangered species.

Florida Marine Mammal Stranding Network - Southwest Region - Assistance for dolphins, manatees Group is on 24-hour call to offer assistance to distressed marine mammals including bottle nosed dolphins and the Florida manatee.

Florida's Trail Guide - Advisory Council On Environmental Education Introductions to 11 natural communities you will encounter along Florida's trails.

Flynn Bogs System A study of this bog system in Leon County Texas, describing the various habitats found, and the wildlife that inhabit them.

French Creek Environmental Education Project A partnership between Allegheny College and regional K-12 schools to turn the French Creek Watershed in NW Pennsylvania and Western New York, and waterways in the Pittsburgh area into outdoor environmental laboratories.

Froesche-Online Homepage des Vereins f?r Umwelt- und Naturschutz Untergrombach. Die Seite enth?lt u.a.: Infos zum Verein, Amphibienlexikon, Infos zur ersten privat finanzierten Amphibienschutzanlage (Kr?tentunnel) an einer Bundesstra?e (B3) in Baden-W?rttemberg (Spendenaktion des Vereins)

Georgia State Wildlife Policy: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Summary of the conservation regulations governing the wildlife of Georgia's non-game species.

The Great Plains Nature Center GPNC is a new nature education facility located in northeast Wichita, Kansas. It provides opportunities to the public to learn about natural resources, especially the wildlife and plant species, of the Great Plains Region.

Guatemalan Biospheres, Wildlife, Ecology, & Environmental Issues Groups actively involved in Guatemalan Environment & Ecology issues.

Headwaters Murrelet Project Purpose is to determine the effect of the proposed land exchange (Headwaters Forest) on the Marbled Murrelet population

India's dismembered network of Sanctuaries and National Parks Threats to India's Sanctuaries and National Parks.

Indonesian Nature Conservation Database This site is dedicated to all protected areas of Indonesia. It not only describes the various National Parks but also the many Nature Reserves, and several of the many Parks, as well as animal species checklists.

Information Center for the Environment Species in Parks: Flora and Fauna Database.

International Wildlife Coalition A wildlife protection group working to end animal cruelty, protect the environment, and save wildlife, including whales, marine mammals, elephants, kangaroos, koalas, swift foxes and penguins.

Internet Biology Education Project K12 Biology Education

The Irish Seal Sanctuary The I.S.S is a voluntary response to the need of wildlife in distress, operating on personal responses and the principal that Ireland's professionally run Wildlife Hospital, Rescue and Rehabilitation Facility. If you do not respond to the fledgling bird, orphan seal or stranded cetacean on your beach then you cannot "Save the Whale".

Johnstone Centre The centre's focus is on ecosystems in the Murray-Darling Basin, rural Australia and rural areas in the Asia Pacific region with an emphasis on the management of protected areas.

K-State Research and Extension Library: Wildlife Management Library Publications and videos on management and control of nuisance animals and birds; also information on desireable wildlife and fish farming.

The Leopold Education Project An innovative, critical thinking, conservation and environmental education curriculum based on the classic writings of the renowned conservationist, Aldo Leopold

Linkages A Multimedia Resource for environment and development policy makers

Madagascar Biodiversity and Conservation This is a draft photo essay on biodiversity and conservation in Madagascar.

Mammals of Nevada Biological Resources Research Center of the University of Reno listing of state mammals.

Marine Discovery Centre They promote conservation by increasing awareness and understanding of the marine environment.

The Marine Mammal Page Information and links about marine mammals from a former dolphin and sea lion trainer.

Marine Resources Development Foundation Offering marine and freshwater science education for students and teachers.

Marinelife Center of Juno Beach The Center is the primary rehabilitation hospital for sick and injured Sea Turtles on the east coast of Florida.

Martes2000, III International Martes Symposium Martes2000 will cover all aspects of martes biology, with emphasis on martes in managed landscapes. Held August 13 - 16, 2000 at Memorial University of Newfoundland

Mexican Meanderings Newsletter Eco Travel newsletter published bi-monthly.

Mexican Wolf Recovery Program Captive breeding project trying to save the Mexican Wolf from extinction, which numbers roughly 200 animals.

Mike Vandeman's Environmental Letters, Articles, and Book Reviews This collection represents the writing of Michael J. Vandeman, Ph.D. with regard to the pressing environmental issues of today. He has a persistent clarity of vision of a future where humans transform their greed into a profound respect for nature.

Moths of South Carolina Information on numerous species of moths occurring in South Carolina, including distribution maps, species accounts, and species photos of adults and some larvae.

Mountain Lion Foundation Non-profit conservation and education organization founded in 1986, dedicated to protecting the mountain lion, its wild habitat and the wildlife that shares its habitat -- for present and future generations throughout California and the West.

The National Association of Marine Laboratories They are unique "windows on the sea," providing information on the rich environmental mosaic of coastal habitats where land meets sea.

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis They organize and synthesize ecological information in a manner useful to researchers, resource managers, and policy makers addressing important environmental issues.

National Gap Analysis Program A Geographic Approach to Planning for Biological Diversity.

National Outdoor Leadership School NOLS is a wilderness education school offering expedition length courses in eight countries. The site includes course information, minimum impact techniques, wilderness first aid, and research reports.

National Wildlife Federation NWF focuses its efforts on five core issue areas (Endangered Habitat, Water Quality, Land Stewardship, Wetlands, and Sustainable Communities), and pursues a range of educational projects, activist, advocacy, and litigation initiatives, within these core areas.

National Wildlife Health Center The (NWHC) is a science center of the Biological Resources Division of the USGS in Madison, Wisconsin. Established in 1975 as a biomedical laboratory dedicated to assessing the impact of disease on wildlife and to identifying the role of various pathogens in contributing to wildlife losses.

National Wildlife Refuge System Home page for the National Wildlife Refuge System Server.

Natural Heritage Programs A searchable directory which covers the Western Hemisphere (U.S., Canada, Caribbean, Central America, South America)

Natural Resources Research Information Pages Intended to be an Internet resource guide for researchers, practitioners and students in the natural resources field.