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Cooley Science Library - Colgate University
Science library for Colgate University in Hamilton, New York.

Florida State Math Department
Many on-line math journals, Math preprints, Math software, and links to other sites

Harvard University - Cabot Science Library

Kresge Library

Los Alamos National Laboratory: Research Library

Math Forum at Swarthmore
Outstanding collection of links in all fields of Math

The Ruth H. Hooker Research Library

Nimitz Library, U. S. Naval Academy
The Nimitz Library exists to support the mission of the U. S. Naval Academy by providing excellent library service on behalf of teaching, research, and other scholarly activity.

Science Reading Room (Library of Congress)
Library of Congress Science Reading Room: the principal reading room for study in the areas of science, technology, technical reports,and standards.

Science and Engineering Library
Northwestern University - Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science and Engineering

The Goddard Library
Scientific and Technical Information, Space, Space Science, Astronomy, Earth Science, Engineering, General Science, Mathematics, Physics, Library, NASA Libraries, Solar System, Earth Observations, Universe, Earth, Earth Environment, Astrophysics, Remote Sensing, Oceanography, Atmospheric Science, Geology, Geophysics, Spacecraft, Satellites, Sensors, Management Information Technology, Technical Management, Research and Development, The Goddard Library, Electronic Journals, NASA, Goddard

UCSC Science Library

W.F. Mai Nematology Reference Library