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Secondhand Smoke

A Public Health Analysis of the Proposed Resolution of the United States Tobacco Litigation

American Lung Association of Washington

American Cancer Society

Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights - works to enact legislation protecting nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and youth from tobacco addiction.

CDC State and National Tobacco Control Highlights -- The Office on Smoking and Health's information regarding tobacco use among adults and youth, legislation, and the medical costs related to tobacco use.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) -- TIPS (Tobacco Information and Prevention Source)

Common Indoor Air Pollutants: Environmental Tobacco Smoke- EPA fact sheets and information about secondhand smoke.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Health Risk or Health Hype? - report from the American Council on Science and Health.

Get Outraged -- Massachusetts Department of Public Health

International Union Against Cancer (UICC)

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)

NoTobacco.Org - a youth-oriented site from the Foundation For a Smoke free America

Oncolink - smoking, tobacco and cancer

Public Citizen

Secondhand Smoke and Community Laws

Secondhand Smoke: What You Can Do

SmokeLess States Tobacco Use Prevention Program

UCSF Library: Brown & Williamson Documents

UCSF Institute for Health Policy Studies

Youth Media Network - a network on tobacco for high school and middle school students