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Pollution Prevention Websites in EPA

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Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx)
provides information that is easily accessible and easy to search, collect, synthesize and update technical information, and it identifies experts and/or other sources of information.

The Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC)
is a free service providing telephone reference and referral, distribution of EPA documents, and a collection of P2 references available for interlibrary loan.  Call the Clearinghouse Hotline at 202-260-1023, fax at 202-260-4659 or send e-mail to ppic@epamail.epa.gov for more information or to order documents.

Office of Research and Development
EPA supports Enviro$en$e, an electronic environmental communications network to share P2 information, case studies, and technologies.

Office of Pesticides
The Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program
is a voluntary program that forms partnerships with pesticide users to reduce health and environmental risk and implement pollution prevention strategies.

Office of Air
The Climate Protection Division (CPD)
works to reduce greenhouse gases through energy-efficiency and cost-effective partnerships with industries to achieve emission reductions.  The Clean Air Act, charges them to develop "nonregulatory strategies" for air pollution prevention.  EPA and the Department of Energy have developed voluntary energy-efficiency specifications for a series of products.  Manufacturers and retailers of these products voluntarily join the ENERGY STAR Labeling Programs and place the ENERGY STAR label on qualified products.

Global Warming
provides information about pollution prevention benefits of using renewalble energy, solar, wind, biomass, hydro, and geothermal energy.

Office of Solid Waste
The Waste Minimization Program
works on reducing waste at its source, before it is even generated and through environmentally sound recycling.  EPA and the public devote billions of dollars annually to cleaning up contamination from past mis-management of chemical wastes and properly managing wastes that are currently being generated.  Better efforts to reduce chemical waste before it is even generated would help lessen these concerns, as well as the need for these public and private expenditures on cleanups in the future.

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
EPA's CEPPO provides leadership, advocacy, and assistance to: 1) Prevent and prepare for chemical emergencies; 2) Respond to environmental crises; and 3) Inform the public about chemical hazards in their community.

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance
The Compliance Assistance Centers
provide comprehensive compliance information targeted at specific industry sectors.   These "virtual" centers seek to promote linkages between the small business community and their technical and regulatory providers.  Through plain-English guides, consolidated checklist and other tools, compliance assistance centers seek to minimize waste production and maximize environmental performance.

Office of Policy
The Small Business Gateway is a source of environmental information and contacts for small businesses.

Office of Reinvention
The Sustainable Industry's mission is to help industry sectors improve environmental performance while easing the costs and burdens of regulation.