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  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment supports the UNEP in pursuing its aim of incorporating environmental aspects into energy planning and policy worldwide, with special emphasis on developing countries. One of the main activities of the Centre is climate change mitigation analysis, comprising methodological development, and support and execution of country studies. Other activities include power-sector restructuring, transport and the environment, demand side management/IRP, fuel cycle analysis, externalities and environmental economics.


  • Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) conducts research into power generation and delivery issues through partnership with electric utilities.
  • Environment Canada; sponsors Ecocycle Newsletter
  • Natural Resources Canada (Canadian Department of Natural Resources) NRCan is a federal government department specializing in energy, minerals and metals, forests and earth sciences. At NRCan, we deal with natural resource issues that are important to Canadians. We look at these issues from both a national and international perspective, using our expertise in science and policy. How we manage our land and resources today will determine the quality of life for Canadians both now and in the future.
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency was created under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act with a mandate to provide effective means of integrating environmental factors into federal planning and decision making. Also available is the Federal Environmental Assessment Index (FEAI) which is a registry of all federal environmental assessments carried out under the Act.


  • Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Headquarters is located in Stockholm; other centers are found inYork (SEI-Y), and Tallinn (Estonia). International Institute for Environmental Technology and Management. SEI conducts research in:  Sustainable Development | Urban Environments | Sustainable Energy | Methods for Environmental Assessment | Atmospheric Environment | Institutional Development | Water Resources | Disseminating Global Knowledge

United Kingdom

  • Center for Alternative Technology (CAT), Wales is concerned with the search for globally sustainable, whole and ecologically sound technologies and ways of life.  CAT has a holistic approach to its work, integrating ideas and practice relating to land use, shelter, energy conservation and use, diet and health, waste management and recycling.
  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is an independent organization that supports research in pollution and waste managment, biodiversity, managing natural resource and global change through its own institutes and through grants to other research organizations.

Asian Development Bank

Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (CDG), Germany

Centre International de Recherche sur L'environnement et le D?veloppement (CIRED), France

Danish Energy Agency

Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Germany

Enda Energy, Senegal

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE, Brazil

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, India

Instituto de Econom?a Energ?tica (IDEE) / Fundaci?n Bariloche, Argentina

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

International Energy Agency (IEA)

Kasetsart University, Thailand

Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - Energy Analysis Program, USA

Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), India

University of Bath, United Kingdom

University of Cambridge - Department of Applied Economics, United Kingdom

University of Campinas - Energy Department, Brazil

University of Capetown - Energy & Development Research Centre (EDRC), South Africa

World Bank