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The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) is a network of nine regional pollution prevention centers that offer a variety of resources, including information for specific industry sectors, trainings, libraries, referrals and research. Through P2Rx, the nine centers are laying the groundwork for a seamless national network of easily accessible, high-quality P2 information.


To learn more about your regional center, click on the  links below.
To view additional information about the P2Rx centers, including a fact sheet, go to http://www.epa.gov/p2/p2rx.htm.

Northeast Regional P2 Information Center
Andy Bray, 617-367-8558 x306
(Regions 1 & 2 - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, New Jersey and New York)
Waste Reduction Resource Center
Mike Heaney, 919-715-6511
(Regions 3 & 4 - Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee)
Great Lakes Regional P2 Information Center
http://www.glrppr.uiuc.edu/AboutUs/reg5baseline. htm
Lisa Merrifield, 217-244-6061
(Region 5 - Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
Southwest P2 Information Center
Eddie Gonzalez, 915-747-5494
(Region 6 - Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas)
P2 Regional Information Center
Rick Yoder, 402-472-1183
(Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska)
Peaks to Prairies P2 Information Center
Dr. Michael Vogel, 406-994-3451
(Region 8 - Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming)
Western Regional P2 Network
Isao Kobashi, 408-566-4560
(Region 9 - Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the territories of Guam and American Samoa)
Northwest P2 Network
Catherine Dickerson, 206-223-1151
(Region 10 - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington)
P2 Information Center for Islands
Peter Rappa, 808-956-2868
(Islands - Hawaii, Guam, and the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands [**Note: These states and territories are serviced by EPA Regions 2 & 9, however, the P2 Information Center for Islands has been established to focus on P2 issues specific to island environments.])