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Care2 Make a Difference!
Care2 is a commercial site which includes a directory of environmental links, a guide to green living and a collection of environmental news stories. In addition, a host of services such as e-mail, greeting cards and shopping guides are provided; 10% of their revenues are donated to environmental non-profits.

Earth Partnership Program: Schoolyard Habitat Restoration
The Earth Partnership Program is a project of the UW-Madison Arboretum. The web site includes a program overview, 12 restoration-based research ideas for the classroom (downloadable), an interactive workshop on woodland restoration (usable though still under construction), Earth teaching News, a listserv, a photo gallery of some EPP school restorations, resources, and related links.

Earth System Science Educational Resources
A compilation of reviewed and annotated sites providing on-line learning activities, interactive environmental data, and resources for teachers and students (K-12). Sponsored by Penn State University.

A non-profit organization that "develops, compiles, categorizes, and delivers environmental education and information resources to the world using leading electronic technologies." Archives of list serves with environmental content, daily environmental news updates and fact sheets.

National Library for the Environment
Issues covered include global climate change, population and environment, ocean and coastal resources, and biodiversity. The site also accesses environmental virtual libraries and congressional research reports. A project of the Committee for the National Institute for the Environment.

Nature's Numbers: Expanding the National Economic Accounts to Include the Environment
"How should our national economic accounts recognize the increasing interest in and importance of the environment? 'Nature's Numbers' recommends how to incorporate environmental and other non-market measures into the nation's income and product accounts." Ordering information from the Academy Press as well as a searchable index of the book.

Net World Project
An extensive network of environmental information, tips, computer resources, free software and more. Also includes local resources in the Massachusetts area.

North American Butterfly Association
The largest organization in North America working to increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies through the development of educational programs for schools, park rangers and naturalists.

U.S. Environmental Hotline
Earth's 911 is a public and private sector partnership which provides access to several sections of community specific environmental information. A collaborative effort of non-profit organizations, public sector agencies and private sector corporations.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Fish and Wildlife service works to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The site has information on Endangered Species, Wetlands, Wildlife Refuges, Migratory Birds, and more.

WWW Virtual Library - Environment
The WWW Virtual Library - Environment is a searchable index of over 1,000 environmental resources including EE, biodiversity & ecology, and sustainable development.

World Wildlife Fund Global Network
Links to news articles, updates on international conservation efforts, fact sheets, and a video library (requires RealPlayer G2). Also available in Spanish and French.